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john hancock 〔美俚〕親筆簽名。

john henry

The 94 - floor observatory , more than 1 , 000 feet above chicago , features an outside skywalk , the midwest s highest open - air experience ; windows on chicago , which takes you on a virtual reality tour of more than 80 city sites ; soundscope 3 - d “ talking “ telescopes that speak in four languages and create startling real sound effects ; a chicago history wall ; and a theme park - style ticketing area that recreates the construction of the john hancock center 94層樓高的天文臺高出芝加哥城1000多英尺,是中西部高空“云中漫步”超級享受的好去處。 “芝加哥之窗”帶你遨游全城八十多個景點“三維立體聲望遠鏡”能用四種語言說話,聲音效果逼真芝加哥歷史墻還有一處公園式區域再現約翰漢科克中心的建筑群。

John hancock tianan is dedicated to providing innovative product and highest quality services to help customer to achieve their financial goals . following the “ credibility - cored and customer - focused “ philosophy , john hancock tianan sticks to increase customer satisfactory and enable customers gain the greatest care and expected return from the company 恒康天安秉承“誠信經營、客戶至上”的經營理念,致力于為客戶帶來創新的產品、卓越的服務,安排風險和財務規劃,讓每一位客戶早日實現理想的財務目標。

Stephen williams is senior portfolio manager , global eafe equities , for mfc global investment management europe ltd . , london . stephen is responsible for managing specialist global and eafe equity portfolios . he manages global eafe pooled fund , john hancock usa eafe , exploration production diversified and balanced eafe and mgf international growth Stephen williams為宏利金融環球投資管理歐洲有限公司環球歐洲澳洲及遠東股票投資組合高級經理,負責管理環球歐洲澳洲及遠東特別股票組合,包括環球匯集基金恒康美國的歐洲澳洲及遠東基金開采及生產的多元及均衡歐洲澳洲及遠東基金,以及宏利環球基金的國際增長基金。

Launched in january 2001 , john hancock tianan life insurance company is a joint venture of u . s . - based john hancock , one of the world ' s largest life insurance companies , and shanghai - based tianan , a leading insurer of business and individuals 恒康天安人壽保險有限公司是由美國恒康人壽保險公司和中國天安保險股份有限公司合資組建的。

Independence day is on july 4 . that is a momentous american date when john hancock , the president of the continental congress , signed the declaration of independence in 1776 獨立紀念日在7月4日。那是一個重要的美國節日,因為1776年的那一天,大陸會議主席約翰安庫克簽署了獨立宣言。

John hancock tianan is dedicated to providing innovative products and the highest quality services to help shanghai families and individuals to achieve their financial goals 美國恒康是世界上最大的保險公司之一;天安則是上海首屈一指的財產保險業的翹楚,客戶遍布上海及全國。

John hancock tianan life insurance company , ltd . is a joint venture of u . s . - based john hancock and tianan insurance company 恒康天安人壽保險有限公司是由美國恒康人壽保險公司和中國天安保險股份有限公司合資組建的。

It is said that john hancock signed his name “ with a great flourish ” so “ king george can read that without spectacles 據說約翰?漢考克簽名時筆跡“揮灑遒勁”是為了“讓喬治國王不戴眼鏡就能看清楚” 。

Not surprisingly chicago has a lot of big buildings . the two tallest are the sears tower and the john hancock building 不用奇怪芝加哥有著許多大型建筑物。其中最高的的兩棟是希爾斯塔和約翰.漢考克塔。

Manulife financial corporation and john hancock financial services to merge in cdn 15 billion us 11 billion transaction 宏利金融有限公司與恒康金融服務有限公司合并涉資一百五十億加元一百一十億美元

To make it official , john hancock , president of the continental congress , signed the declaration of independence 為了使其正式化,約翰?漢考克,這位大陸會議主席在《獨立宣言》上率先簽名。

Manulife financial and john hancock complete merger creating north america s second largest life insurance company 宏利金融與恒康完成合并成北美第二大壽險公司

Joe felt proud when he put his john hancock on his very first driver ' s license 喬在他的第一張駕駛證上簽名時,感到很自豪。

Manulife financial increases stake in interlife john hancock 宏利金融增持泰國壽險公司interlife john hancock股份

Your john hancock represents your responsibility for this matter (你的簽名代表你對此事的負責。 )

Put your john hancock on the dotted line 在虛線處簽上你的名。

Put your “ john hancock ” on this document 請你在這個文件上簽名。

“ please put your john hancock at the bottom of the paper 請在資料的最下方簽下你的大名。

Miss hart ? my daughter would love your john hancock 哈特小姐?我女兒想要你的親筆簽名